To add game on Apkplaygame, go to Add new game page, if game has different versions for different devices, for example different versions for different GPUs(Adreno, Mali, PowerVR, Tegra…) then go to Add new game Advanced where you can add game with 5 different download links for each apk and Cache, so you can add games for every GPU or device, also you need to provide name of specific device like GPU or device name.
Some fields like Title, Description… are always required because all games has title and description. But some fields like Google Play Store id aren’t available for all games as all games aren’t available on Google play.
So fields like this one aren’t always required, however if it’s available then it’s required.
You can add games with normal(original) and mod(hacked) versions at same time, there isn’t need to add two same game with normal and with mod version.
You can add new game to Apkplaygame as well exiting game updated version or history version.
* If you want to add history version add it as normal game, just write title with version, Ex. Exam Game 1.2.
You need to have Google Drive account to upload game apk and Cache files, also we strongly recommend to upload games to MEGA Drive too.
If you have Gmail or Google account then you automatically have Google Drive account with 15Gb storage.
As for MEGA, you can easily create account from Android app, or from desktop browser.
! Before copy link from Google Drive, click on file info and choose link sharing “Anyone with the link can view”
When you fill all information and click Submit you will see preview how your added game looks on Apkplaygame, game is sent for moderation.
We will review your game, make few changes if necessary and publish it if your game meets our requirements
-Always fill all available information
-Games with Cache must have Cache download link if it’s not specific for every device
-Screenshots shouldn’t contain other sites watermark/text/logo.
* It can contain official developer or publisher watermark/text/logo
-We support only common type of archives: zip, rar, 7z. But it’s strongly recommend to use most common and most used archive format .zip
-Archive should only contain Cache, it must NOT contain other site’s link, text, description or other form of spam.
-Archive shouldn’t be password protected
-It’s highly recommended to provide Game with MEGA download link and MOD version if available.
-Always use high resolution & high quality screenshots and featured image
-Never use Google play screenshot as featured image*
-Always use proper name for uploaded apk and Cache**
-Always fill featured image title, caption and description properly***
* You can save screenshots from and use them as game’s screenshots but you shouldn’t use any screenshot from Google Play as featured image because direct saved Google Play screenshots can’t be edited by our editor.
We need to resize & edit featured images.
You can use featured images saved from Google images search even if image is from Google Play.
** If game name is Example Game and version is 1.2 uploaded apk and Cache proper names will be:
Example Game_1.2
Example Game_1.2 Mod
Example Game_1.2 Cache
*** If game name is Example Game proper featured image title, caption and description will be
Example Game |
-You can use high quality screenshots from Google Play, to save screenshots from Google play go to from browser.
-Google uses .webp format images. But all browsers doesn’t support .webp, so in unsupported browsers Google uses .jpg format images.
We don’t support .webp images upload for some reasons, so if you want upload Google play screenshots use browsers with no webp support(Ex. Uc Browser) instead Google chrome and Android browser.
-To embed YouTube video you need to enter video URL. To know video url used in Google play go to Google Play app, search for game you want, click on video, wait few sec and when appears click YouTube icon on left down side of screen, you will go in YouTube app, select share(arrow icon) and then select copy link.